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  • How long does it take you to make a book?
    It takes me about a YEAR to write, illustrate, and publish a book. I'm self-taught so I had to research and educate myself on everything. It's a LOT of work. I'm a busy mom and teacher so time is limited. The illustrations take the longest as all my art is handpainted watercolors. To achieve the illustration style in the Twilight Expedition series, it can take about 4-5 DAYS per illustration. Tip: Set a realistic goal and dedicate 30 minutes a day working towards it. Check in with your self each month and adjust where needed. My goal: 1 year @ 5 days x 30 minutes (best time: early morning before family wakes up)
  • What do you use to illustrate your books?
    All my illustrations are handpainted watercolors. To achieve the style in the Twilight Expedition series I used fun techniques like scratch art and mixing crayon with watercolor. I LOVE blending colors and mixing mediums. I top off my illustrations with black ink to make the bright colors pop! Watercolors are beautiful, but very unforgiving. Everytime I paint I get so excited to see the dried results. Seems like the final color always surprises me.
  • How did you learn to paint?
    I always LOVED arts and crafts! I took an art class in college and hope to take more one day. I mostly educate myself by reading books on how to draw, watching youtube art tutorials, and asking my artist friends. I make MANY mistakes, however I'm learning and improving. My favorite activity is painting with my daugthers. They come up with the most creative and innovative ideas. It's fun to learn from the kids.
  • Are you going to write more books?
    YES! I hope to write books for the rest of my life. I'm finishing my 3rd book Jungle Catching Twilight. The Twilight Expedition series will include different environments such as the ocean, swamp, arctic, and more! There will be holiday editions like Christmas, Halloween, and Fourth of July. I'm also working on side projects, but there's just not enough time in the day!
  • Do you teach art lessons?
    It's in the works! Let me know if your interested. Check out my EVENTS & ONLINE LESSONS page for more information.
  • Can you do an author visit?
    Yes, I love author visits! I even have experience in virtual classroom visits and giving online art lessons. Check out my EVENTS & ART LESSONS page for more information. I have visited classrooms, assemblies, libraries, literacy & art fairs, AVID & career day, online meetings and more to come!
  • How do you publish a book?
    There are many ways to publish a book. I went the self-publishing route and I'm the author AND illustrator of my books. I self publish through Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) which is Amazon's e-book publishing unit. Visit for more information. Have more personal questions about the process? I'm happy to share my experience and tips. Check out my website and social media as I'm posting my author journey. Send me your questions and comments. Follow @LindsayHillBooks email:
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