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Hi, I'm Lindsay, but they call me Mrs. Hillbilly

I strive to balance my life as a mom, wife, teacher, author & illustrator.
I want to encourage families to spend quality time engaging with nature.  We can learn through our experiences interacting with plants and animals in their environments.  I want to promote literacy and the arts in memorable ways with exploration, creativity, imagination, and play. 
My author's journey is an open-book to inspire others to chase after their dreams too.
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 Frog Catching Twilight is inspired by one of my favorite childhood memories.  One night our parents took us to the canyon creek with flashlights, pool nets, and jars.  We had a blast trying to catch the frogs jumping, swimming, & slipping all over the place.

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Mr. & Mrs.

"Our family memories are my inspiration."

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We have 3 beautiful daughters
Madison, Julianna, & Brooke.
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nature lover

"My childhood was filled with laughter & adventure."

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I love spending time in nature with my family & friends.

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baby sister
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 I have a blast doing fieldwork and research for my books.
I married my co-teacher sweetheart, Mr. Hillbilly.  We are happy to raise our family & teach in our small hometown
Beaumont, California.
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facing our fears
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animal lover

middle sister
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Painting, creating, working with nature & children are my joys.
It started
with a frog
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I plan to write books for the rest of my life!  I hope to pass on engaging stories & beautiful art for children & families all around the world to enjoy.
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big sister
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When I was a kid we would play school.  I'd set up my classroom in my bedroom and make my little brother & sister do homework.  I always wanted to be a teacher!

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Reading has always been VERY difficult for me.  
is something I live with EVERYDAY and has played a major role in my life. 
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We take lots of videos & pictures of our experiences with plant & animal life.  Later these interactions become HUGE inspirations for my stories & art.

About Me



When I was a kid we would play school.  I'd set up my classroom in my bedroom and make my little brother & sister do homework.  I always wanted to be a teacher to make learning fun & inviting to all.





Childhood & Family

My childhood was filled with laughter & adventure.  Frog Catching Twilight was inspired by a childhood memory.  One night our parents took us to the canyon creek with flashlights, pool nets, and jars.  We had a blast trying to catch the frogs jumping, swimming, & slipping all over the place.




Wife & Mom

I married my co-teacher sweetheart, Mr. Hillbilly.  We have 3 beautiful daughters Madison, Julianna, & Brooke.  They are my inspiration.  We are happy to live & teach in our small hometown Beaumont, California.





Reading has always been very difficult for me.  Dyslexia is something I live with every day and has played a major role in my life.  I now have a Bachelor of Science Degree in Child Development & I'm currently an elementary teacher. I get to work with the most incredible teachers!




Author & Illustrator

Painting, creating, working with nature & children are my joys.   I plan to write books for the rest of my life!  I hope to pass on engaging stories & beautiful art for children & families all around the world to enjoy.




Nature Lover

Caring for animals, growing gardens, catching frogs, and hiking breathtaking landscapes are only a few ways nature has captured my heart.​  Through my upbringing, I was taught to appreciate and embrace nature.  My favorite day is spending time with my family & friends outside making our own fun!



"I'm an empowered woman ready for the next adventure...
even if it's in my own backyard!"
"Get outside.
Use your imagination.
Create your own fun."
Childhood Frog Pond
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Yah! So exciting!

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